Is it taking too much time to install a shopping trolley storage unit? Not if you use DCR Europe’s Economy. This shopping trolley storage unit is ready for use in just one hour!
Shelter for your shopping trolleys, ease of use for your customers
A shopping trolley storage unit in your car park has many advantages. When your customers see that you have an orderly storage facility, they will be less likely to leave shopping trolleys scattered around. Your car park will always be tidy and safe. When your customers arrive, they can park their cars and just take a trolley from the storage facility. That prevents bottlenecks at the entrance to your shop. And, last but not least, your shopping trolleys are always dry, which means lower maintenance costs in the long term
Delivery from stock, simple installation, low price
DCR Europe supplies different types of shopping trolley storage units. The Economy has a special place in the product range. The advantages of the Economy:
- Delivery from stock.
- The Economy takes up very little space during transport.
- This shopping trolley storage unit is delivered as a simple do-it-yourself kit in two parts.
- Installation is easy and takes less than one hour.
- The Economy includes space for up to 60 shopping trolleys.
Are you wondering whether you should purchase a shopping trolley storage unit? We haven’t even mentioned the main benefit yet.
- The Economy is the most economical shopping trolley storage unit on the market!
The Economy shopping trolley storage facility is manufactured from aluminium profiles and semi-transparent precast units. You can also opt for a coating in your house colours and 100% transparency.
DCR Europe makes it easy for you
We make everything as easy as possible for you. The only thing you have to do is decide where you want to position the shopping trolley storage unit. (N.B.: In some situations, you will need a building permit. Ask your municipality for more information.) When you place your order, in most cases we will be able to install the Economy at your shop premises the next day.
If you wish, you can take care of the transport and installation yourself – and make the Economy even more economical!
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